our 5x system

Sustainable Results Today

Picacity’s 5x System to accelerated transformation is a new 5 element approach to adopting future tech for smart cities and districts at rate up to 5 times faster than traditional models.

Adopt the
New Smart City

Here at Picacity, we like to take a mindful approach to enhancing our customer’s technological capabilities. We work closely with our partners to efficiently and intelligently design the tech needed to birth the most sustainable, modern city possible.

What does this mean? If you don’t think you need a complete overhaul of your existing model, chances are, neither will we. Legacy systems can now be safely and securely integrated into a new model using our innovative DistrictNex platform.

Not only will your existing infrastructure not be negatively affected, in fact, the way we see it, each element has the potential to become a major spoke in a new paradigm. The data already being collected by your systems can be collated by our AI to deliver valuable insights in how you run your cities and districts.


All stakeholders involved, from building managers to the relevant government entities, and every system in place from physical security systems to mobility and energy metering systems – there’s a way that all parties can share data securely and quickly, and it’s going lead to accelerated and sustainable results.


Smart Living

Advancing the quality of life of all citizens through improved health conditions, safety, education, tourism, entertainment, and cultural facilities

Smart Governance

Improving the relationship between local governments and citizens by encouraging the participation of citizens in public decision‐making and city management

Smart Economy

Enhancing the economic competitiveness of a city through the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation platforms

Smart Environment

Protecting and preserving the environment by way of efficient resource and waste management

Smart People

Developing people’s skill and education levels with advanced technology training, as well as strengthening the quality of their social interactions

Smart Mobility

Connecting various elements of technology with national accessibility, through improved network and traffic management systems, increased safety levels and reduction in traffic accidents


Ready to start your transformation journey?